S.Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belagavi Invites Application for Technical Posts - Appy Now
| Date:9 ನವೆಂಬರ್ 2019

S.Nijalingappa Sugar Institute, Belagavi is engaged in training, research, development and education in
field of Sugarcane, Sugar Technology, Sugar Engineering & Co-Generation and Alcohol Technology.
Institute requires technical candidates for carrying out its activities.
Name of the posts:
* Assistant Professor (Plant Breeding)
* Head, Sugar Technology Division
* Head, Sugar Engineering & Cogeneration Division
* Head, Alcohol Technology Division
Application with full particulars of true copies of testimonials be sent to
The Director, S.Nijalingappa Sugar Institute,
C.T.S No.4125/1B, Ganeshpur Road,
Laxmi Tek, Belagavi-590009,
Karnataka state so as
to reach on or before 09.12.2019 or E-mail to snsibgm@yahoo.com
field of Sugarcane, Sugar Technology, Sugar Engineering & Co-Generation and Alcohol Technology.
Institute requires technical candidates for carrying out its activities.
Name of the posts:
* Assistant Professor (Plant Breeding)
* Head, Sugar Technology Division
* Head, Sugar Engineering & Cogeneration Division
* Head, Alcohol Technology Division
Application with full particulars of true copies of testimonials be sent to
The Director, S.Nijalingappa Sugar Institute,
C.T.S No.4125/1B, Ganeshpur Road,
Laxmi Tek, Belagavi-590009,
Karnataka state so as
to reach on or before 09.12.2019 or E-mail to snsibgm@yahoo.com
No. of posts: 4