Cochin Shipyard Limited has invited Online applications for recruitment various posts
Published by: Hanamant Katteppanavar | Date:1 ಅಕ್ಟೋಬರ್ 2020
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Cochin Shipyard Limited (P&A Department), Kochi has invited Online applications for the recruitment of Fabrication Asst, Outfit Asst, Scaffolder, Aerial Work Platform Operator, Semi Skilled Rigger & Other posts on Contract basis. Interested and Qualified Candidates can read the information from given below for more details & Apply Online.

- Vacancies deatils:

1 Fabrication Assistant

- Sheet Metal Worker- 88

- Welder- 71

2 Outfit Assistant

- Fitter - 31

- Mechanic Diesel- 30

- Mechanic Motor Vehicle- 06

- Fitter Pipe (Plumber)- 21

- Painter- 13

- Electrician- 63

- Crane Operator (EOT)- 19

- Electronic Mechanic- 65

- Instrument Mechanic- 65

- Shipwright Wood- 15

- Machinist- 11

- Auto Electrician- 02

3. Scaffolder- 19

4. Aerial Work Platform Operator- 02

5. Semi Skilled Rigger- 53

6. Serang- 02

7. Cook- 01

No. of posts:  577
