Previous NextALS IAS Bangalore 9036150143 WebsiteALS IAS Behind Vijayanagar Club,Opp Govt.First Grade College,First Floor 2205,5th Cross 3rd Main, 2nd Stage, Vijayanagar Bengaluru - 560040IAS ,KAS .All ReviewsWrite ReviewName:*Rating:*54321Mobile Number:*Email:*Comment: About the instituteTeaching Methodology:Meticulously designed Course plan with daily schedules.Greatest thrust on Conceptual Clarity.Detailed analysis of Previous Years' Questions to ensure three things:The right direction is being followed in teachingPrioritization of topics in order of importanceConditions you to choose what to read and more importantly what not to read.Invaluable inputs for writing best answers.Highly relevant printed study materials.Other learning aids in an audio-visual format.Ensuring individual attention.Punctuality is the hallmark of our institution.Enhancing the Power of Positive Spirit in you.What you can expect at ALS:It's our conviction that individuals operate and deliver their best only when they are suitably trained to manage themselves and their potential. Integral to this, our courses address the following concerns—» An overview of what it takes to be a civil servant.» The ability to integrate relevant issues on holistic viewpoint.» The powerful distinction between answer writing requisites according to the demands of a question.» The control and the skill to create effective and novel insights into otherwise obvious issues.» The art of powerful presentation— in person and in the written or the spoken word.» The ability to communicate one's viewpoint with confidence and conviction and that accurately and effectively.The students of ALS are benefited with the high-tech infrastructure at their disposal, established in an area of 14000 sq.ft. ALS has a number of classrooms equipped with a state-of-the-art facility.