The Scheme of pre-Coaching to Minority candidates for UPSC & KPSC Civil Services Examination 2019-20
| Date:9 ಜುಲೈ 2019
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The Directorate of Minorities, Government of Karnataka intends to sponsor students from Minority Communities for Pre-Coaching to UPSC & KPSC Civil Services Examination 2019-20.
• Online applications are invited from candidates belonging to Minority communities such as Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Parsi, and Jain who are eligible to appear for the above Examination of 2019-20 for Pre-Coaching to Prelims and Mains.
• Selection of a candidate will be based on the aggregate percentage of marks obtained in degree and test
conducted by Directorate of Minorities.
• Selected candidates will be sponsored to institution out of the listed pre-coaching centres at New Delhi/Hyderabad Dharwad / Belagavi / Bengaluru etc. for UPSC and for KPSC at different places in Karnataka.
• The Pre-coaching fee for all the subjects will be paid by the Minority Department. Government of Karnataka. A stipend of Rs.13,000/- per candidate who undergo coaching at Delhi & Hyderabad, Rs.6,000/- per month for outside candidates who undergo coaching in Bengaluru and Rs.3,000/- per month for Local candidate, will be paid during Coaching period to the selected candidates for a
period of 7 months.

1. For Online application form and details, visit the official website:
2. The last date for submission of online filled in application is:10.07.2019
3. The annual income of the applicant’s Parents/Guardians including Candidate Annual Income should be less than 4.5 lakhs for Category-01 and for others Rs.3.5 Lakhs.
4. The stipend will be paid subject to 80% of attendance per month at the coaching institute.
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