Railway Recruitment Boards Released Paramedical Key Answers 2019
| Date:Aug. 5, 2019
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The Computer Based Test (CBT) for Paramedical posts against CEN 02/2019 was conducted from 19.7.2019 to 21.07.2019. In order to enable the candidates who appeared in this CBT to view their question papers, responses and answer keys, a LINK will be provided on all the official websites of RRBs and the LINK will be active from 10.00 hrs. on 05.08.2019 to 23.59 hrs. of 08.08.2019.

After viewing the details as above, objections if any regarding the questions, options and answer keys published can be raised by the candidates for which the time schedule, fee and detailed procedure is given below :

1. Viewing of the Question Paper, Responses and Answer Keys and raising of Objections 05.08.2019, 10.00 am onwards

2. Closing of the Objection raising and payment window 08.08.2019, at 23.59 hrs.
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