Educational Psychology Question Bank H.V.Vamadevappa
Book name | Educational Psychology Question Bank H.V.Vamadevappa |
Author | ಡಾ.ಎಚ್.ವಿ.ವಾಮದೇವಪ್ಪ |
Publisher | Shreyas Publications |
Language | English |
Stocks left | Only 3 items remaining |
Description | The Educational Psychology Questionnaire book is written by Dr. H.V. Vamadevappa. This questionnaire book consists of 9 chapters, each with knowledge, understanding, and application type are given in each chapter. This book is useful for high school teachers competitive exams, KAS, KES, CET, TET, KAR - TET and UGC NET/SLET competitive exams. |
Number of pages | 250 |
Price | ₹190.00 |
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