Contemporary ENGLISH GRAMMAR -J D Murthy
Book name | Contemporary ENGLISH GRAMMAR -J D Murthy |
Author | J D Murthy |
Publisher | Book Palace Publications, Delhi |
Language | English |
Stocks left | Only 2 items remaining |
Description | This is a Unique reference book on grammar that has been Specifially designed for students and teachers of english. This is the out come of a complete analysis of written as well as spokenEnglish. it helful for Scholars and Students. and any competitive examinations also. - salient features of the present volume are as follows: * Exhacustive details of parts of speech with reference to their usage. * Accurate Examples provide learners to comprehend the attitudes and intentions of writers and speakers. * Examples drawn from real ligfe texts. * Grammatical Items Followed by table, charts and numerous examples. * Chapters Followed By Comprehensive and exhaustive Exercises for practice. |
Number of pages | 510 |
Price | ₹345.00 |
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